As I've been getting deeper into my publishing plan for my chapbooks, I've realized a couple of things.
- I have new work! New work that should be shared.
- I have a lot of great poems, but I want to shake things up a bit.
- As I grow as a woman and a writer, my vision changes.
- I have my e-books that I've been creating from Creative Book Builder, what's going to make my chapbooks different from these?
- What's stopping me from combining my work and making a full length collection?
Full length...that's a scary thought. My mini e-books are chapbooks when you think about it. I've done a "chapbook". I was planning on having three chapbooks, but two of them are very much related. My poems are about love in one form or another. Love of self, family, close ones, and lovers. Love of a craft, life, and most importantly words.
These poems make up who I was, who I am and who I'm going to be in the face of love.
So I have decided to combine, add, and restructure my manuscript into one. The name?
Cognition of Her Body
The title came from a portfolio that I made for my Intro to Creative Writing course many moons ago. I swore one day that I would use the title for another project that the world would see. At the time, I used the title to define that I was studying my body of work in the course. Now I use it because I am studying my body of work, emotions, and life and declaring a knowing of who I am through words in the name of love.
I am still going to have two books. Sweltering Sugar is still going to be its own book. I love haiku and short forms and believe that their value should be celebrated. You don't see books of short poetry everyday. They are out there, but why not have more. Plus I have a beautiful cover.
Fixing up the full length manuscript will take a little time, but I'll be ready to publish it in no time.
What I need right now is support from my audience (yes your lovely face on the other side of the screen) to help me make this happen. I'm currently running an ongoing campaign to raise funds towards publishing my books. The funds will help pay for ISBN numbers, design and layout fees, print runs and more.
If you want to check it out, you can go to my GoFundMe page. I promise that there are awesome reward levels (because I don't believe in not giving something back in return for generosity) and that it will be worth it. Spreading the word too is also a great help.
Or you can download one of my e-books and leave a donation on my Payhip Books page. I'll appreciate anything you can do (like if you know someone or yourself know about self publishing and setting up print copies, I welcome that knowledge!).
I'll keep you guys posted on how things are going. Till next time!