There are many things I want to do in this life. I've been thinking about some of them for a while before I decided to uproot my life. Now that I'm on my way to leaving, there are a few things I want to do before I leave my family and friends because chances are, I'm not going to just bump into you while walking down the street in Chicago.
Of course I'll make new friends while I'm there and if I can do something with them, that would be great! But nothing beats family and friends who are here right now. So hopefully when all my loved ones hear what I wanna do, they will actually oblige me (And on the cheap because I am trying to save whatever money I have.)!
- A make over - not because I think I need one, but because I want to show off my true style. Maybe I'll document it here.
- A photo shoot or two - because I take a lot of selfies and as an artist, I should have some shots done.
- Go to the Transit Museum - I love the History of the NYC Transit System. I never been and I would like to just once (what if it closes when I'm gone?! - the time is now!)
- Go to museums in general. I like them, I love art and history. I am a nerd. Come be nerdy with me. Oh and I've never been to the Hall of Science even though I can walk there from my house!
- Go to Poet's House and more institutions of poetry organizations. I have to feed the addiction in many ways.
- Go to new bookstores. Just one or two that I haven't been to.
- Go to a few arts events to network with my EAT Media team - we would be a smashing hit if we were all together!
- Hit up a couple of open mics.
- Go out for dinner and drinks with old friends.
- Go out for dinner and drinks with my COUSINS! (And if they visit my website, hopefully they will say something about this before I do - yes I am checking you guys!)
- Go on a couple of after work cruises. I like the water and had so much fun on the couple I went on two summers ago.
- Act like a hardcore tourist in my hometown - just for maybe half a day because I am a New York and I don't have time for all of that.
- Do things with my parents. I don't know what, but something. They may be driving me crazy now, but they are my parents.
- JUST DO DIFFERENT THINGS! - There's so much to do and not do. Let's just get crazy.
This list is kind of lame, but these things would make me happy. I know my life is going to change so much in Chicago so I would like to carry some memories from home with me.
Down to get crazy with me? Let me know!