the edges of my heart.
It's hard to peer over snowy
rooftops to look at the stars
when all my eyes look for is
The last day of A River of Stones! It's been a journey. To make an observation of my day, to really pay took a lot more than playing around with pretty words. Most of my small stones aren't very good in my eyes. But it forced me to really look. I know I didn't write everyday on time. But everyday, I thought about my stone. At times, it was all I can think about. especially when I wanted to forget all of the chaos of my life. Just knowing that I made a promise to myself to write everyday was better than the days where writing is the furthest thing from my mind. It reminds me of my commitment to writing, to poetry that I have made for the rest of my life. It's like a marriage. You have to put in work in order for it to work. But it's also fun and sometimes, you can fall in love all over again.
What really surprised me was how often snow came up in my stones. Obviously, with all the snow that we have been having in New York, it's hard to get away from. But I actually hate snow. A childhood accident has caused a lifelong fear. But having to write a small stone during this season has made me look at snow in a different light. I still dislike snow, but I appreciate its beauty.
I want to thank Fiona Robyn for putting out this challenge. My eyes are a little bit more aware of what's in front of me. And it started my year off on the write foot...hahaha!
There will be more stones in my future.