I've been watching a lot more YouTube since acquiring my netbook. I finally have the capability to watch videos without my computer shutting off. This gift comes the sudden awareness of ignorance. Sometimes I look at the comments people leave on videos for pure entertainment. YouTube people say the darnest things! (Yes I have just created a pilot for a show in one breath). Sometimes though, they say stuff that crawls up into my skin and refuses to die.
Here is an example of one incident:
I was watching (really listening, it wasn't a real video) A Fine Frenzy - Liar, Liar. The first comment I see is beyond retarded and shows how much music this person really listens to.
"You don't really hear music like this anymore. It has to be all jazzed up and some sort of mixture of rap. No offense to those who like that. I'm just saying that not many people sing with music like this."
EXCUSE ME?!? A Fine Frenzy is in an absolutely different genre than rap. This comment makes me think that this person thinks that she emerged smack dab in the middle of the hip hop world and that there are no other genres in the world or that they once were, but died along the way. Okay maybe that's an exaggeration, but that's how I feel when I read that.
What does this person listen to for them to say that? There is a lot of bad music in all genres out there today, but each genre certainly has enough people in each one. You can't say you don't hear music like this anymore because everything has some sort of rap in it. There are plenty of artists like her. Just have to explore.
This makes me think of how much do we really know about the music we listen to. How wide are our tastes even in our own favorite genre? I know that I will never know every artist out there, especially because I dip into a lot of different genres. There are even some classics that I don't know about and everyone else does. But will I ever be as unaware as this commenter on YouTube? Hope not.
The point to this blog entry...umm be aware? Ha...there is a point of course, but I just needed to rant mostly. And hey, it's another blog post so hooray!!! Maybe when I am not in rant mode, I can come up with a more in depth post to these questions.
For now, back to my regular scheduled program of job hunting, research, and wasting time on the internet.