Part of me wonders if this is due to starting a new job. My free time has decreased drastically. When I am free from work, all I want to do is either sleep, hang out away from my house and computer, or look up useless stuff online. I do data entry so I am at a computer all day long. I work from 7 AM to 3 PM, so I get up at 5, leave the house by 5:30. When I leave work on time, I get home between 4 to 4:15. When I am home, I feel half dead.
If I choose to do something after work, that's less time for me to think about writing. But I need a life too. I work Friday - Tuesday so my weekends are gone. I need to make up not being able to hang out whenever since I have to get up so early.
I've been reading more so that's a plus. Maybe when I am ready to write again, this will help. I don't know...I am a bit sad that I am not writing, but I can't force myself either. So for all those who have been following the blog and wondering, this is my official notice saying that I am taking a break to regroup.
But who knows, maybe I'll come back with a book ;)
Take care everyone, I won't be gone for long! (And I'll still put up random posts).