I hope everyone has been having a good start to their new year.
I have been busy with this site since I have gone on my winter break. My hope is to have it pretty much done by the time I have to go back for the spring semester.
I have added a Forum though I have no idea what I am going to do with it. I would really love to start a forum because one, it has been a dream of mine and two, I would love to have a community going here on my site.
I also updated the blog to the new blog application used on webs.com.
More photos have been added to the Photo Gallery, which now holds a total of 6 albums.
I have been exploring custom item and self-publishing sites. I have made a few amateur shops on CafePress.com.
I also plan on self-publishing books through Blurb.com. I added a Products page for everyone to see my pages on those sites. I also plan on adding some freebies I have gotten to share with you. They will also be on the Products page.
The last bit of news, but not the least is the update on my portfolio.
The completed sections of the poetry section are #'s through J, L, Q, R, V and Y. The ones which still need to be added are K, M through P, S through U, W, X, and Z. I also have to add all my new poetry from the last year, plus a short story, some more scratchy, using a computer mic spoken word tracks, and I will have to add a journalism section which will be continuely updated through out my spring semester.
Well, that's that on updating. Please enjoy the site and feel free to leave a comment.