So many blogs these past few days, right? Consistency is definitely one of my current goals.
I have developed an terrible habit of buying and starting several books at the same time. What usually helps is that most of them are poetry. It's when I get to fiction, memoir, self-help, etc that I am in trouble.
The reason I am a book jumper? It's because these books contain outstanding work and sometimes a girl needs to take a break from all of that grandness and mull over it. Then I get busy and don't pick up the book for a while. I miss the semi-free time of college. Heck I miss the care free days of high school. Yeah I said it. Care free. Compared to now, high school was a breeze.
Anyway, here is a list of my current reads along with a link in case you want to read along with me (maybe you'll motivate me to finish faster). Maybe we can start a Book Jumpers club!
- Her Book: Poems by Éireann Lorsung
- Chasing Utopia by Nikki Giovanni
- Urban Tumbleweed: Notes From A Tanka Diary by Harryette Mullen
- Mother's Day at the Orphanage by David Abts and Michael Shattuck
- A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini
- Emotional Wisdom by Mantak Chia and Dena Saxer
- Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead by Sheryl Sandberg
And I have finished other books in between some of these. This also doesn't compare to the many books I've bought this past year that I haven't touched yet. So many books, so little time!
Till next time loves!