If you have been keeping up to #theycalledherbravenewgirl, then you would know that I am suppose to have a weekly blog series.
Not working! While lists are easy, vulnerable ones like this are not. The last one took a lot out of me because it's an unresolved issue (though personally, I think it could be if it was talked out...argh never mind - not getting into that), so then the next list feels waaaaaayyyy too vulnerable to follow up with.
That and life is busy. Try looking for work in another state, getting call backs, but unable to interview. Sigh...it's frustrating.
But this girl will be okay. I am also working on a couple of projects so maybe blogging will take a little rest. A special edition of Typoetic.us, a website for family, and other things.
So if it's quiet, I am sorry. Especially since I am getting new subscribers to my blogs! This makes me so happy. Just keep signing up guys! I promise I have more to come.
Till then,
#theycalledherbrave (and busy) newgirl